Is asthma a mind-over-matter medical condition? Should people with asthma avoid exercising? Will you really outgrow your asthma? Unfortunately, there are tons of myths and half-truths about this particular medical condition. If you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with asthma, it is a good idea to look a little closer at what is and is not true.

Asthma is Just a Psychological Condition

Asthma is a medical condition that involves a problem with your lungs and the way your body responds to certain environmental triggers. There was a time where some medical experts believed asthma may be a psychological or emotional disorder. This theory, however, can be disproved by looking at the x-ray of the lungs of a person with asthma.

Asthma is Something You Will Outgrow

Technically, this is a half-truth. Statistics show that roughly 50 percent of individuals who were diagnosed with asthma between the ages of two and ten do outgrow it. Unfortunately, sometimes the asthma can "come back" when an individual turns 30, starts smoking, or develops a different respiratory problem.

Exercising is Bad For Someone With Asthma

Exercising is important for everyone, including someone with asthma. The fact that an individual with asthma needs to be more careful with exercising does not mean he or she should avoid exercising. It just means he or she needs to be careful and take some necessary pre-treatment measures. This includes exercising in an environment with a high humidity, having your inhaler nearby, and starting out slow.

Certain Herbs and Supplements Can Help With Asthma

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, there is no medical evidence to suggest certain herbs and supplements can help with asthma. In fact, there have been some studies conducted which have confirmed that certain herbs and supplements did not help with asthma at all.

Asthma Medication is Only Helpful During an Attack

This is another half-truth as the helpfulness and purpose of asthmatic medication depends on what type of medication you have. Did you know there are four different types of asthma including intermittent, mild, moderate, and severe? Unless you have intermittent asthma, you require a long-term medication in order to control your condition. Someone who has intermittent asthma, on the other hand, only needs his or her inhaler during an attack.

If you really aren't sure whether or not something is true about asthma, talk to an asthma specialist. He or she is the best person for you to extract medical information from.
