As you introduce your infant to more substances in the world around them, it is likely that you may find something they are allergic to. Babies can be allergic to many substances including soaps and detergents, various foods, pet dander, dust, mites, and pollen. At times, it can be difficult to diagnose a mild allergy because your baby's symptoms may appear similar to a common cold or a very slight rash that can also be caused by rubbing and chaffing. Below are some things all parents should know about allergies.
It Is Important to Keep Track of Allergy Symptoms
The common symptoms of allergies include lower respiratory infections, which produce dry coughs and wheezing, a runny nose, eye infections such as pink eye, and skin rashes. Many parents only consider more severe skin rashes and an immediate wheezing response to a substance to be an allergic reaction, but it is important to note that mild symptoms may be a sign of an allergy, especially if these symptoms persist. If your child exhibits any of the mild allergy symptoms, you should record them along with where your baby is and how long the symptoms persist. You can then share this information with your pediatrician.
Babies Can Outgrow Allergies
Common allergies to detergents and dairy products are often worst during the early years and many children outgrow them as they grow up. However, studies have shown that children in recent years are taking longer to outgrow allergies than they used to. If your child has a mild dairy allergy, you may decide to start testing them with small amounts every few weeks or months to see if they continue to have a reaction. However, this should be done under the guidance of your pediatrician and should be stopped if the allergies seem to become more severe.
Regular Well-checks Can Help You Spot Allergies
Regular well-checks during the first two years of your child's life are important, as they can help you spot and identify allergies. Your pediatrician may have you introduce certain foods more carefully if your child is at risk of an allergy and they may guide you through an elimination diet to help determine allergies. They will also be able to recommend when you should seek help from an allergist for more persistent or serious allergies.
As a parent, it is important that you are aware of possible baby allergies and that you have a plan in place to deal with them if your child has them. Contact an allergist like Diane L. Ozog, MD, SC for more information.