If you are a parent who has recently taken your child in for a food allergy test, you might have recently found out that your child was allergic to at least one food. If this is the case, you might be a little bit frightened and worried, and you could be unsure of what to do next. These are some of the steps that you can take if you have found yourself in this situation, such as:
Talk to Your Child's Doctor
First of all, it is important to talk to your child's pediatrician or another primary care physician. Make sure that your child's doctor is aware of your child's allergies, since you may have had the allergy test done elsewhere. Additionally, consider talking to the doctor about the results of the test. He or she can help you understand just how serious your child's allergies are -- for example, some people are just sensitive to certain foods, while others have potentially fatal allergies -- and can provide you with help and resources.
Seek Medication
Depending on what your child is allergic to, there might be certain medications that you can purchase that can help in the event that your child does eat a food that he or she is not supposed to come in contact with. For example, an EpiPen can be a lifesaving injection that can help a child -- or adult -- who has consumed a food that he or she is allergic to. Make sure that you learn how and when to use any injections or medications related to your child's allergies; then, you will feel confident and will know what to do in the event of an emergency.
Notify Your Child's School
Your child's school should be notified as soon as possible about his or her food allergies. Then, the teacher and other school staff members can help ensure that your child does not come in contact with any foods that he or she is not supposed to eat and can give an EpiPen or other injection or medication in the event that something does happen.
Learn About Alternatives
Depending on what your child is allergic to, you may need to look for alternatives for some of your child's favorite foods. For example, if your child is allergic to peanuts, you will need to look for an alternative to peanut butter. If your child cannot eat dairy products, you may want to check out soy milk and other dairy-free products. Then, you can work on creating meals for your child that he or she can safely eat but that will be enjoyable and tasty.
Contact a medical office like Northwest Asthma & Allergy Center PS for more information and assistance.